

VUSD conservation efforts leave more funding in our classrooms and the planet a better place for future generations.

Solar Icon


VUSD is incorporating solar energy into conservation efforts. While most VUSD school buildings were not structurally designed for roof-mounted solar panels, new buildings at Vacaville High and Sierra Vista K-8 will feature roof-mounted systems. Solar shade structures are another great option for schools and will serve as shelter while capturing energy. Solar shade structure have been installed at Jean Callison and Cooper elementary schools in 2018-19, and VUSD hopes to find funding sources to continue these efforts.

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LED & Occupancy Sensors

VUSD has used Prop 39 funding to replace lighting fixtures throughout the district with Light-Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures. Many facilities also have occupancy sensors that automatically turn lights off in rooms that are not being used. These district-wide changes have saved approximately $400,000 annually.

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As VUSD modernizes facilities, bioswales are often incorporated. Bioswales are landscape elements designed to divert rainwater into underground water tables and concentrate or remove silt and pollution out of surface or parking lot runoff water. They consist of a swale drainage area with gently sloped sides (less than 6%) and filled with vegetation and compost. VUSD also uses water permeable sidewalks when applicable for optimal rainwater collection.

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Drought Tolerant Vegetation

VUSD planted over 100 trees with Measure A facility improvements. These trees will eventually help reduce high temperatures by providing significant sources of shade. The newly added trees and shrubbery are drought resistant and serve as beautiful enhancement to VUSD school campuses.

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Recycling & Reduction of Paper Use

VUSD schools are facilities have recycling programs and receptacles. Many recycling programs are led by VUSD students. We are also committed to reducing the amount of paper used districtwide with online assignments, electronic communications and a digital community bulletin board reducing the production and distribution of flyers.


Save Energy Flyer


Measure A logo


Proposition 39 California Clean Energy Jobs Act is a state program providing funding to local educational agencies for improving energy efficiency and creating clean energy jobs.

The California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Prop. 39) changed the corporate income tax code and allocates projected revenue to California's General Fund and the Clean Energy Job Creation Fund for five fiscal years, beginning with fiscal year 2013-14. Under the initiative, up to roughly $550 million annually is available for appropriation by the Legislature for eligible projects to improve energy efficiency and expand clean energy generation in schools.

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