Dress Code

The goal of the Fairmont Dress Code is to promote a positive and safe school atmosphere that is conducive to student learning and success. Wearing or displaying clothing or accessories that 1) advertises or encourages, the use and/or consumption of drugs, alcohol or tobacco; 2) promotes disruptive, dangerous, or illegal behavior; 3) includes profanity or vulgarity; or 4) references violence or gangs is not allowed at school.

The staff at Fairmont has the responsibility to enforce the Dress Code and the right to interpret the Dress Code to ensure and protect a school environment that supports learning and safety for all. Parent/guardian support is vital to maintaining appropriate dress standards.

Students are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for all school activities and follow these requirements:


All shirts must completely cover the chest and abdomen with no skin showing. Undergarments must not be visible. The following types of shirts are not acceptable: backless, strapless, low cut, see through, spaghetti straps, tank tops, and tube tops. All tops listed may be worn with a t-shirt underneath.


Pants, skirts, shorts and dresses must fit appropriately and not be excessively over or under sized. Sagging (the wearing of pants low off the hip) is not allowed. Shorts, skirts and dresses must be fingertip length. Excessively torn pants are not allowed at school. Pajamas may be worn when appropriate.


Shoes must be appropriate for safe play. The following types or shoes are not allowed at school: sandals without backs, flip-flops, slippers, and shoes with wheels. All shoes must be laced, tied or buckled properly.


Hats and sweatshirt hoods may be worn outside and should be worn appropriately; hats are not allowed in classrooms. Hoods, bandanas, hair nets, and head scarves are not to be on campus except for religious purposes. Hats worn improperly or any headwear that does not conform to these standards will be confiscated.

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