LCAP & Budget

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) at Fairmont Charter Elementary also serves as the school's School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and identifies goals and actions necessary to support student success.


The development of our LCAP includes input and feedback from the following stakeholders:

  • Parents
  • School Site Council
  • English Learner Advisory Committee
  • School Staff (Certificated and Classified)
  • Students (grades 3-6)


Click below to view a copy of the LCAP for 2024-2025:

2024-2025 Fairmont Local Accountability Plan

Click below to view a copy of the Extended Learning Opportunities Grant Plan for the 2021-2022 school year:

2021 Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan


Goal 1: Fairmont will ensure that students are future-ready, both academically, socially, and emotionally, and prepared for secondary and post-secondary success. All students will experience a rigorous STEAM-aligned, standards-based curriculum delivered by highly qualified staff that will lead to demonstrated growth as measured by site, state, and federal assessments.

Goal 2: Fairmont Charter Elementary School will foster a safe and welcoming learning environment and an inclusive school community for all students, families, and staff while creating opportunities for students to take risks and gain the skills required in the STEAM fields. Fairmont Charter Elementary School will also provide stakeholders with access to relevant information regarding school operations, finances, and student learning in real-time. 

Goal 3: Fairmont Charter will address all barriers to learning by implementing Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) so that all students can achieve at high levels

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